Sunday, September 26, 2010

The BIG Parasite in the Baptist midst!!!! Caution!!!

Unfortunatly In the Baptist midst, there is a great parasite, eatin out of the family. As in children raising, Many christians are not raising their kids, in submission and honor and respect . Now I am not a father yet and I might not understand totaly how it is like, yet I know it is a very tough job and not easy, just of being an uncle I have leaned a ton.As in how much I need to work in being persistent. But any ways unfortanatly some christians are leaving, and going to the reformed theories, they are willing to sacrifice even what they believe, in order for the family and they do have stong families or so it looks like, So why we who are His people, wake up and teach and train our kids to love the Lord with all thir hart mind, soul, and strainght?My biggest fear is not to raise my kids right, but I am praying and trying to watch and learn.So Hopes up and let us honnor Him at all

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